Logic puzzle

Today me and my buddy Panharith did this. It is a logic puzzle how this works is the sheet gives us hints and we try to use the hints to figure out the colors and we had to figure the planets that got discovered and the planets have to be in place.
By Hugo, see you next time.


We have been learning about star. This is me and Panharith work. Panharith added an animation and I added the text and some photos. We have worked very hard to do this it took us two days to finish it. We did this on Google slides not Canva. When stars die it makes a supernova. Stars are a burning ball of gas. how many facts do you know about stars.

Sun Drawing

This is the work I did a drawing of the Sun. We have been learning about the Sun. The Sun is in the middle of the solar system. The Sun is yellow dwarf star.

Show don’t tell

We have been learning about a show don’t tell. That means that we have to describe what the person is doing. For example when a person is happy we don’t say the word happy. We can check if they are smiling or not because we are not giving away that they are happy.


She is making an expression with her eyebrows to tell she is not alright.


The girls are tired and want to play a game outside on the playground.


The boy puts his hands over his face to prevent anyone from seeing him.


Her opens her mouth wide and her eyes are wide open seeing something.


The Boy is making a nice smile when he takes a picture with his phone.

That is all the things I have today 🙂

Our wonderful planet Earth

Today I’m going to tell you what we learn’t about Planet Earth!

The outer Mantle, the temperature ranges to 500 degrees celsius to at the crust to 600 degrees celsius.The outer core which is about 30% Earth’s mass. It’s temperature ranges from 4440 degrees celsius to 6100 degrees celsius.

This is the Earth’s Crust this is what we are standing on right now. This crust pushes each other that is how Earthquake form .


Arriving at Gallipoli

It was Sunday 1915, 8 months after  world war 1 started.  The Australian and New Zealand army corps were sailing close to the coast of Gallipoli. One Anzac smelt gunpowder in the air. The Turks were waiting and no one even knew they were being ambushed. Finally they disembarked the vessel . The Anzac’s felt like this was a trap so they shot all the tents. One Anzac said they might have not even been here. Suddenly they heard a gunshot and they all ran in that direction. It was them so they got to battle and that’s where Flanders field is. Eventually red poppies grew there. Now we celebrate Anzac Day as a public holiday. Some veterans are still alive from World War 1. That is really fantastic. We give donations to sell  Poppy badges as a remembrance  to all who lost their lives at Flanders field.



Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia, Thailand is a kingdom so we are strict and don’t want people breaking the laws of the king.

Thailand’s capital, and when it was found

Thailand was first founded in 1238. Thailand was founded before Cambodia and India. Sri Intharahiti was the one to find Thailand. The capital of Thailand is Bangkok. Nakhon Pathom which is referred to as the oldest city in Thailand.


Thailand is rated twentieth most populated country in the world when India is rated number one most populated country. Thailand has a total of 71.85 million people which is a crazy amount of people.

Culture and food

We eat Pork Pad Thai noodles and all our traditional foods. We are Buddhists. Buddhist religion is all about the balance between good and evil.


Thailand has very beautiful landmarks which are made out of stone, marble, gold, and jade. Thailand has a big palace made out of real gold. The king stays in that palace. Hey did you know that Thailand is shaped like an elephant.